Thursday, July 14, 2016

5 Simple Fat Burning Nutrition Rules

Nutrition is going to play a major part in your diet and workout plan if you plan to lose any significant weight. If you miss nutrition you can say your efforts bye-bye. There are so many complex rules about eating right, that it gets crazy. In this article, I am going to give you 5 simple rules. That's it.

Fat Burning Nutrition

1. Remove Junk food - Now this is simply obvious. Yet, you'll find in most homes, kitchen and fridge is stocked with lots of junk foods. I personally stock my fridge and kitchen with fruits and nuts.

Just removing junk food from your diet plan will start making changes in your body.

2. Eat 4-6 meals per day - You should try out spacing your meals throughout the day. This system is pretty much guaranteed to help lose fat. You should make 3 major meals and 2-3 snacking meals daily to provide you for the 4-6 meals per day.

3. Cutting down on useless carbohydrates - When your goal is to lose weight, it's often better to cut down on the carb you are eating. I do not recommend you to go too low, otherwise it'll slow down your metabolism to negate any effects of your diet and workouts.

The right time for eating carbs if after your workout.

4. Include protein sources - You should add more protein to your meals. As you lessen your carb, you need to replace it by adding protein. It'll help you build muscles and step up on your metabolism. I recommend adding creatine and whey to your plan. I do not recommend you to do the "Creatine overloading system" like the bodybuilder's do.

5. Eat natural food - Again, avoid all kinds of processed or packaged food. Think of it this way, if you cannot find a food that you can hunt (non veg), grow (fruits, vegs included) or find it (fruits, vegs, eggs), then you cannot eat it. This is simple rule to follow.

If you noticed, most of these rules are simple to follow and remember. That's why I use them with my clients.

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